Más de Kurt Burneo
This book consolidates the intellectual effort of teachers and economist Burneo and engineer Lizarzaburu by integrating in a single volume the basic elements of financial management, not only from...
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This book consolidates the intellectual effort of teachers and economist Burneo and engineer Lizarzaburu by integrating in a single volume the basic elements of financial management, not only from the theoretical perspective but also from the practical side; in both cases developed in simple language but without losing the necessary academic rigor indispensable in this type of publications.A first component of the structure of the text is a journey through the area of classical and analysis inherent to this type of publication: Basic Principles of Good Corporate Governance, the role of financial managers, basic tools of analysis as the different types of fundamental ratios, risks, typology and management of these, especially financial; bonds and their markets, cash flows and their relevance in financial management, mergers and acquisitions, structuring of capital.Probably the following two components of the book mark the difference with respect to other publications available on the market: The second component of the text contains several exercises of proposed and resolved problems according to each conformant chapters of the first part of the text. The last part of the book presents a last review of the relevant web sites related to the topics covered in theory and in practice throughout the book.Finally, the objective of this book is to serve as a theoretical useful practical guide, abbreviated by the main items covered in any basic finance course, if this objective is fulfilled, it would contribute to achieving a greater degree of knowledge of a subject such as finance, which increasingly cross interacts in decision-making firms; thence its useful discussion and subsequent generation of knowledge.
ISBN 13 978-6124149436
Autor(es) Kurt Burneo
Idioma Inglés
Edición 1
Año de edición 2016
Páginas 295