Once upon a planetoid, amid her tools and sprockets, a girl named Cinderella dreamed of fixing fancy rockets. With a little help from her fairy godrobot, Cinderella is going to the ball. But when t...
Vi har inte fått in någon beskrivning av boken från förlaget. Kolla gärna upp förlagets (Scholastic Press) hemsida, där det kan finnas mer information....
Greg Heffleys on a losing streak. His best friend, Rowley Jefferson, has ditched him, and finding new friends in middle school is proving to be a tough task. To change his fortunes, Greg decides to...
Esmeralda Santiago's story begins in rural Puerto Rico, where her childhood was full of both tenderness and domestic strife, tropical sounds and sights as well as poverty. Growing up, she learned t...
Endorsed for reading by Cambridge Assessment International Education, Cambridge Reading Adventures is our international primary reading scheme. The reef is teeming with life. Find out more about th...
Do you know that a tarantula spider's leg span can be 30 centimetres wide? Find out more about giant bugs inside. Green Band books include longer, more complex words and sentence structures focus o...
Endorsed for reading by Cambridge Assessment International Education, Cambridge Reading Adventures is our international primary reading scheme. This book is full of amazing facts about the world we...
Una novela del Premio Nobel de Literatura Mario Vargas Llosa, en la que dos hombres puestos a prueba por la vida descubren el verdadero sentido del coraje y la lealtadUno de los mejores libros de 2...
Los jefes (1959) fue el primer libro publicado por Mario Vargas Llosa, con el cual obtuvo su primer reconocimiento literario, el Premio Leopoldo Alas. Según su autor, “Los jefes es un pequeño micro...
Mi planta de naranja-lima relata la historia de un niño que un día, de pronto, descubre el dolor y se hace adulto precozmente. Las ensoñaciones, la picardía, el sufrimiento y la ternura del protago...
There is a door at the end of a silent corridor. And it´s haunting Harry Potter´s dreams. Why else would he be waking in the middle of the night, screaming in terror?Here are just a few things on H...
An exciting caldron of danger and intrigue awaits your child in this installment of J. K. Rowling´s now-classic series. Harry is only entering his third year at the Hogwarts School, but his magical...
He has more first-hand knowledge of Latin America than anybody else I can think of, and uses it to tell the world of the dreams and disillusions, the hopes and failures of its people... Galeano den...
El valiente Capitán Centella y su Viejo Loro enfrentan al malvado comandante Smog, quien se dedica a ensuciar la atmósfera. Así, muy pronto este destruirá el planeta....